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CDI BRT Power Max Dual Band Jupiter New 115 CC

SKU: 45171255
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CDI BRT Power Max Dual Band Jupiter TIPE : JUPITER NEW 115 CC NO. PART : 202N-5TPN-34/36-00R KELENGKAPAN : o 1 pcs CDI Power Max Dual Band o 1 pcs kabel dualband FITUR : o Dualband ( 2 memori kurva pengapian) o ALVP (Automatic Low Voltage Protection) o Stand By Mode o Menggunakan casing orisinil...


CDI BRT Power Max Dual Band Jupiter

NO. PART : 202N-5TPN-34/36-00R

o 1 pcs CDI Power Max Dual Band
o 1 pcs kabel dualband

o Dualband ( 2 memori kurva pengapian)
o ALVP (Automatic Low Voltage Protection)
o Stand By Mode
o Menggunakan casing orisinil
o Hemat bahan bakar hingga 30%
o Meningkatkan Horse Power hingga 20%
o Hemat pemakaian ACCU sebesar 30%

CDI dualband ada 3 jenis dan pemakaian sesuai dengan spek mesin pemakai :
o ST (Standard Tune Up) = Digunakan untuk mesin standard / semi tune up
o TR (Tune Up Racing) = Digunakan untuk mesin Tune Up / racing
o RK (Racing Kompetisi) = Digunakan untuk mesin racing / full racing

o DC system
o Operating voltage : 8 s/d 15.5 VDC
o Microprosessor : NXP Semiconductor
o Current Consumption : 0.1 s/d 0.85A
o Operation Temp : -15C to 80C
o Operation Frequency : 400 to 20.000 RPM

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Additional Information

Weight 500 g



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